Thursday, March 26, 2009

Save the Funny Ducks!

I live across the street from a duck pond. It's actually a really pretty duck pond, with trees all over the place and sometimes deer, if you're lucky. And those ducks...haha, they are hilarious! If I was over there more, I'd probably start naming them because that's how much I love those ducks (really, I'm not crazy...promise). Well, sometimes those ducks get pretty lost from their little habitat in the pond, and after walking up the Stairs from Hell, sometimes there will be two or three ducks at the top of the hill in the middle of the road, or just on the grass after crossing the road. It's pretty funny to see how far they'll venture away from their home. Yesterday, though, they weren't on campus or anything...they were on a suicide mission apparently to get across the street (and this street at the time of day this happened is pretty busy). I was crossing as well, and I notice the pandemonium that had ensued between all the cars trying to get where they were going, but while trying to dodge the ducks. Meanwhile, the ducks are just waddling across the road, completely unaware of the chaos they were causing. I laughed. I almost got run over by a car because I wasn't paying attention and I was laughing at the ducks, but whatever. That's the price you pay, I guess.

What really gets me, though, is that the cars that were dodging the ducks were being more careful around them than most cars are around the actual people crossing the street. What a sick world we live in. Cars come as close as they can to the cross walk without actually hitting people to get to where they need to go two seconds sooner. Ridiculous. But least the funny ducks are spared!


Kristina P. said...

Why didn't they stop? How sad. :(

Megan Allen said...

Yes! Now we both have funny duck stories! haha

Jeff and Sarah said...

That reminds me of Petsmart. It strikes me as funny that there are 4 speed bumps and 2 stop signs in front of petsmart, but nothing in front of any other store where people walk. Save the pet. Run over the human.

Kiersten White said...

I loved the duckies at BYU ; ) Hot Stuff and I named them. They had a band, even.

Also, hey, aren't I the lamest blog friend ever for never visiting anymore?

Kiersten White said...

ALSO...I want to hear more about this kiss! Wasn't that your first kiss?!?

Kayleigh said...

Ya, pretty lame Kiersten. ;) But hey, blog friends forgive other blog friends, so it's okay.

And ya...that was my first kiss. Pretty exciting news still, even if it was a couple months ago.

Whitney Leigh said...

I brake for ducks.

and begrudgingly for humans.