Friday, January 30, 2009

Kayleigh's Stupid Mistake #9,423

Mistake: Not buying a course's textbook until the week of the first exam and buying it online so that you won't get it until after the exam.

Ya. Stupid. At least for me and my studying habits. Especially because it was for my American Government and Politics class. Can I just tell you that politics absolutely bores me? I know it shouldn't. I know I should want to learn more about how the government that I've lived under the past 19 years works, but I don't. It all sounds the same to me. After studying my brains out the past little while, everything just meshed together and I couldn't tell any of the government terms apart. Blech.

But....light at the end of the tunnel....the exam is OVER! I finished it about twenty minutes ago, and now I can take a nap and start studying for one of the three exams that I have over the course of the next couple weeks. Awesome. Oh well. These tests should be infinitely better than the one I just took.


Jules AF said...

I love the feeling after tests are done. I don't know if I'll ever have that feeling after I get out of school. ahhh

Ashley said...

I totally waited to buy my books too, it does create problems! We freshman learn... I don't know what it is, but I have several tests next week as well. Don't you just love when they all end up on the same week?

Whitney Leigh said...

I got to the point where it was a personal challenge if I could get through the class without the text book.

This is why I did so well.