Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So, upon being in a kind of crappy mood (Physics + Stella = Bad Kayleigh Mood) I started listening to some music that, well, lets out my frustration. Everybody has their own versions of "I'm freakin' angry so DON'T even think about messing with me" music, and for me, I started listening to "Gives You Hell" by the All-American Rejects. It's a new song that will start getting annoying probably about the 10th time I listen to it, but at the same time, it's a strangely sassy song that kind of lets out my mood.

Then I remembered the music we listened to in my Humanities class today. We were learning about choral music, and she played a little bit of music for us that we also got copies of (because we're getting tested on it in a few weeks). So, I started listening to it.

Can I just say, if you're angry with the world, Orff's "O Fortuna" is pretty much the epitome of classical angry music. Granted, it is indeed classical choral music...but it is intense.

I like it. A lot. Mwahahahaha. >:)


Whitney R said...

I like that song a lot too! This time last year I was taking a humanities class and I kept the CD with all of the songs on it. I really like quite a bit of the classical stuff.

When I want angry music I listen to harder rock/alternative. It varies with whatever I'm in the mood for.

Kayleigh said...

Ya. Usually when I'm in a bad mood, Three Days Grace or Linkin Park tend to accompany that, but I had to laugh because that song sounds so angry! So, I figured I'd mix it up a bit.

Whitney Leigh said...

Gives You Hell reminds me of Andy and that chick from Sandy. Or was her NAME Sandy? I can't remember...