Saturday, January 17, 2009

Third Wheel to the Max

How is it that I always end up in the middle of some big, huge, romantic moment between couples? First, it was with Emily and Nate, my roommate and her fiance. Now it's with Wes and Whitney...we've just finished watching Outbreak (ya...we couldn't help ourselves, after my post on it a few days ago), and now they're on the couch listening to this song. They're looking all longingly at each other, and I'm on the love seat ( seat my butt), looking over...wishing I didn't have to witness the cutesy.

Does the awkwardness never end! Ick. I need to find me a man.

For the record, I'm kind of exaggerating a little. Only a little, though. Not as much as I exaggerated the post on Emily and Nate a while back. Although it was awkward, I think it was mostly because that song has some weird connotations for me.

Whoa there. Awkward to a new level. *smooch smooch*


Jules AF said...

Welcome to my life. Thinking about that makes me want to go eat a candy bar.

Whitney Leigh said...

Sorry Kay. If I was a guy, I would totally make out with you. :) I say this in a non lesbian way, just a fact of life. You'll find someone one day, and I will be your 3rd wheel. Love ya!!!

Kristina P. said...

I remember those days, and I'm sure I made my friends feel like 3rd wheels, But we're an old married couple now, so we don't do that.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

What are you talking about? Wasn't it the perfect ratio...Wes and Whitney & you and the love seat? Nothing exactly what you were hoping for?

JUST KIDDING! Being the third wheel bites. It bites hard. I remember being in the situation you described more times than I care to. Just be thankful you didn't get to go through the experience of your room-mate (and by that, I mean in the same room) gettin' some love 8 feet from your bed.

Now that is awkward!


Whitney Leigh said...


Whitney Leigh said...

ALSO- this is Landon's birthday. Can you believe I was CANOODLING with that fool on my future husband's BIRTHDAY?!?

Past Whitney, you disgust me.

Whitney Leigh said...

ALSO- this is Landon's birthday. Can you believe I was CANOODLING with that fool on my future husband's BIRTHDAY?!?

Past Whitney, you disgust me.