Thursday, November 6, 2008

Physics + Kayleigh = One tattered soul...

I think I am only physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of "concentrating" on physics for about an hour at a time (and by "concentrating," I mean reading the book for a minute, then trying to work on a problem for a minute, and then staring off into space wishing I was done for five minutes, etc.). Which is why, instead of doing physics now, like I should be, I'm posting on my blog (which I would much rather do than have to spend any more of my time with physics...I've never hated anything so much since my last supervisor at work and my high school choir teacher). I will be blissful and euphoric when I finally sell my two physics textbooks on eBay (and not sell them back to the BYU Bookstore, ha ha! you will get no more profit from me again).

I got my first letter today from one of my friends out on a mission! (I'm not counting the letter I got from Whit's ex-boyfriend or her ex-boyfriend's friend) Adam wrote me a letter from the MTC! I practically skipped my way back from the mailbox back to my apartment and did a little dance when I walked into the door. I love letters. I think that letter writing is a dying form of communication. Letters just have so much more of a personal touch to them. You see the person's handwriting, which (in some cases) kind of matches the personality of the person who's writing, and you can see that they actually spent time and thought about what they were going to write, because you can't just delete what you're going to write down. I love letters. Always have.

Haha, so yesterday, when I was in the oppressive testing center for 2+ hours taking my physics exam, all of a sudden this girl clear on the opposite side of the huge room where the testing center is sneezed. Now, this wasn't one of those sneezes where people kind of hold it in and probably mash up their brains a little bit because all that sneeze-energy isn't going anywhere (and we all know through physics that energy is conserved, so if it's not coming out, it's going to stay in and do some major damage...haha, just kidding...I loathe physics). It wasn't even really one of those sneezes where it's pretty loud and everybody around gets to enjoy the sneeze and all its effects. It was a freakin' nuclear bomb sneeze! It was so ridiculously loud. I almost just started laughing my face off because that testing center is so quiet, and that sneeze was so loud. And then, to top things off (completely unrelated to the sneeze, though), about twenty minutes after that this guy two rows to the right of me started laughing. Just randomly laughing at something that apparently was hilarious. He wasn't laughing really loud, but loud enough that the rows by him could hear. The guy in the row next to me looked at him too. I'm pretty sure we were both thinking the same thing. It was so random.

Anyways, that's about all I have to say for right now. If I'm not going to work on physics, I should probably study for the religion exam I have tomorrow that I haven't even thought about. In closing (haha, who says that?) enjoy this picture that was taken Halloween last week. My costume, as I'm sure you probably can't tell, was thrown together in about thirty seconds. Jessica (the girl on the far left) looks super cute. I think she was the one who put the most effort in her costume.

And yes, Andy's underwear is outside of his pants. I figure with Andy, it's better to not ask questions. (just kidding Andy, I love you)


Jules AF said...

I used to count all the lights in the testing center because I was so bored. I also counted all the different sections of the ceiling. I HATED the testing center. BOO

Kayleigh said...

I hate it, too. Almost as much as physics. When the two are combined together, it's just absolutely awful.

Whitney R said...

Oh no. Your Physics is my Kinesiology.

Hate it.

But love it at the same time. It's so INTERESTING. But totally makes my head hurt. Bad.

Kristina P. said...

Studing makes me frowny.

Jules AF said...

Studing, Kristina???? Like studing like horses???? That was my favorite thing I've read today!

Kayleigh said...

Haha. Studying makes me frowny, too. I've never been studing, though. I'd have to try that sometime. :) Haha, just kidding. And Kinesiology sounds kind of're a brave soul, Whitney.

Whitney Leigh said...

what do you mean ex-boyfriend?!

Kayleigh said...

Well, you only call him your boyfriend when it's convenient! I don't know what he is, and for the sake of the integrity of the post, I just kept it simple, instead of ruining the point I was making in elaborating the complicated relaionship you have with him.

Whitney Leigh said...

it is not complicated. I'm hot, he's hot. he's on a mission, I'm going to school. I potentially may or may not be with him when he comes back, but we won't know til that happens.

Whitney Leigh said...


AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHA I died. I really did. I was a CRAPPY human being. hahahahaha oh my gosh. "what you MEAN ex-boyfriend??!!"

Whitney Leigh said...

also- I've been that person who started laughing in the middle of the exam. because it suddenly hits you how screwed you are because you didn't study or go to class and it's hilarious that you've wasted your parent's money and your life.

Whitney Leigh said...

also- I've been that person who started laughing in the middle of the exam. because it suddenly hits you how screwed you are because you didn't study or go to class and it's hilarious that you've wasted your parent's money and your life.