Saturday, August 31, 2013


I am a nostalgic person. I believe it's one of my worst vices, because it leads to a small hoarding issue as well as unnecessary sad feelings at times.

But sometimes I have these wonderfully sweet moments with Nostalgia. She was sitting in the front seat of my car yesterday as I drove to the wedding of two people I have known for over a decade. As I was reminiscing with Nostalgia, she took me past a place where, years ago, I met a boy. A boy that for a long time I thought was THE boy. He had a torch in my proverbial Survivor tribal council that held out through all the tribal councils of a lot of other boys. There were many beautiful elements to the story of this boy, but the most beautiful element of it was when he was finally and forever voted off the island. Because as soon as that torch was out, I met the the reason for all of the madness.


And then the planets aligned and all those shards of girly, Taylor Swift-y moments came together to form a happy ending/beginning.

The end/beginning of life as I knew it.


Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

What a great way to look at it. Even if it was more direct than I know, it really is all the choices that lead us to the wonderful things we have.

Whitney Leigh said...

awwwww, i need to go brush my teeth after all that SUGAR!!

also because it's morning and "umm, I have really bad breath in the morning...?" "ew"

also, going back to the whole word verification thing...