Wednesday, November 24, 2010

inigo montoya

this weekend is going to be full of eating. drawing. sketching. all things that i love to do.
and watching movies. because what's better than sketching, being warm in your sweats, and watching a movie?

right now, the movie count is at three.
angels and demons
you've got mail
("happy thanksgiving back" was the motive behind that one)


(personal favorite)

the princess bride

please enjoy this video. not exactly reflecting the true loveliness of that movie, but it's combined together with something epic.


Becky Pitcher said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello. So not creepy, I love making new friends.
And I have been saying "Happy Thanksgiving back" in that monotone voice all week.
Nice choice

Jessica Rose said...

And now I am officially, and creepily, stalking your blog. You are beautiful and I love you!!